CRUD Operations in MongoDB

Welcome to a tutorial on CRUD Operations in MongoDB. Here you will learn how to perform CRUD (Create/Read/Update/Delete) operations in MongoDB.


Inserting a document into a collection(Create)

The command db.collection.insert() when used performs an insert operation into a collection of a document.

Now, let's insert a document into a student collection. But, first, you must be connected to a database. This is shown below.

	regNo: "3014",
	name: "Test Student",
	course: {
		courseName: "MCA",
		duration: "2 Years"
	address: {
		city: "Sydney",
		state: "SY",
		country: "Australia"

You can observe that an entry has been made into the collection called student.


Querying a document from a collection(Read)

In MongoDB, to retrieve (or Select) the inserted document, you can run the command below. 



Note that the record retrieved contains an attribute called _id with some unique identifier value called ObjectId which acts as a document identifier.

But, if a record is to be retrieved based on certain criteria, the find() method should be called passing parameters, after which the record will be retrieved based on the attributes specified.



Take this example: If we retrieve the record from the student collection where the attribute regNo is 3014 and the query for the same is as shown below:



Updating a document in a collection(Update)

For us to update specific field values of a collection in MongoDB, we can run the query below.


The method update() specified above will take the fieldname and the new value as an argument to update a document.

Now, let’s update the attribute name of the collection student for the document with regNo 3014.

	"regNo": "3014" 


Removing an entry from the collection(Delete)

For you to delete an entry from a collection, you should run the command as shown below:


You can see that after running the remove() method, the entry has been deleted from the student collection.